Sunday, September 6, 2015


We spent a really wonderful, relaxing, fun evening up Hobble Creek Canyon by Tony and Cindy's. We ate Kentucky Fried chicken under shaded, woodsy trees, and played in the big, open grassy park across the way.

This is so pretty with Angie and Cindy and some of the boys.

Action shot of Angie and Tony! You go guys!!!

Taking a minute to enjoy each other's company.

Yeah baby, great volleyball stance Lolie!

The real deal - Forrest serves it up!

Good hit Wyatt Dean - somebody, anybody, get to it before it before it hits the grass!

so, instead, JANE hits the grass!

Nice work Joe!

Some "One" (plus another little someone who will be joining the family in January!) enjoying the fun wrapped in a blanket..........

"TWO little COUSINS" wrapped in the "blue" blanket - which has withstood 44 years of use and is still "cool in the summer" and "warm in the winter." It s a magic blanket. My best friend Marilyn Wyatt's mother made it for my wedding gift, using my favorite colors of turqouise and lavender.

THREE AMIGOS - ( it looks like we've had an all-nighter with the cans and bottles strewn about!).



Oh my GOSH everyone is so musical. We all descended on Tony and Cindy's home and everyone ate and talked and played and had so much fun. I had the kids sing Army of Helaman and Sisters in Zion one night and they sounded glorious. David Archuletta "Glorious!" We could be the Von Sweat Family singers! These kids sound amazing. I am SO going to buy a guitar just so we can have an extra one here when people come to visit.

Uncle Drew getting in on the action (I always forget what an accomplished guitar player Andrew is!).

The next day we had the privilege of attending the Jordan River Temple with Ethan. It was a beautiful experience, and a gorgeous day. I asked a stranger to take our photo and when I downloaded the pictures he had taken 13 pictures. Bless him.

When we returned home from the Temple that afternoon, I had a moment to catch my breath and feeling refreshed from the Temple, as I always do, stopped moving for a minute and lay down in the cool grass in the front yard and was lucky enough in that moment that Calvin and Caroline and Vivian were out there with me and we lay on our backs and looked up into the blue, blue sky. Whenever I hear the song of a bird, or look at the blue, blue sky. Yes, I KNOW Heavenly Father loves me, and you!

My blue, blue sky-gazing kids.

Posing in the petunias!
And we ended that night with some more singing at grandma and grandpa's house. Lovely memories.

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