Monday, March 18, 2019

August and September, 2018

I'm going backwards in time, since my previous post was all about going to North Carolina in the middle of September, and these events happened a few weeks before then..

FAIRY GARDEN area (sans fairies). I love miniatures. I want miniatures for my miniatures.

The height of summer glory.

It's always sobering to look at pictures of my mom from just a few months ago and see how much she has declined. Although today (Sunday, March 17th, Leesie Lou's 21st Birthday as I write) I went up to see my mom and she was doing better than I've seen her in months. I had an ulterior motive for going on a Sunday because they have two daily newspapers delivered to the sitting area every day, and I love having newspapers for my potato peelings, but don't take the paper any more. I also love to have the Sunday comics on hand when the kids come for Sunday dinner, but I can't buy a Sunday paper on Sunday, so, voila - I stole one!  (do you think stealing memory care's Sunday paper is a bigger sin than breaking the Sabbath to buy one?).

This is such a walk into the past, 7 months ago it was the height of the farmer's market too. I LOVE the South Jordan farmer's market. It's close, and it involves farmers and their marketable fruits!

Dennis and I celebrating our 47th wedding anniversary at Market Street Grill. Mmmmmmmm, oysters and clam chowder.


This picture is the BEST! Before Elise left on her mission I showed her this photo of great-grandpa Hiatt from his French mission journal (he was a scrapbooker before scrapbooking was cool). He had written "what's the use?" to go along with his expression. Elise wanted to re-create it so I sent it to her and she DID it. It's that awesome? She's the bomb.

This is BYU Education Week 2018 where Tony presented IN THE MARRIOTT CENTER THIS YEAR!! ROCK STAR STATUS!! He joked that his dream was to be playing basketball in that arena, but, yeah, wow. Really humbling and terrifying I'm sure, but he was just awesome.

School clothes shopping with the girls. I don't know which store we were in but I'll always associate school clothes shopping with them with Forever 21 which they know I hate! I should add that to my 5 things I hate list, and remove round-abouts! They're so fun to shop with. Now Lauren too old, and next Reggie will be too old too.

And this little Vivster is going to have such a different second decade of growing up, because she will be surrounded by BOYS.  "The girls" have been so "girly" and Viv will have to hold that down all by herself (with plenty of sisters to help her along the way and pave the road)!.

Eli and Cal  - Boys don't want to go school clothes shopping. But they did like the Orange Julius.

I think this was one of those random shots that come over all of us sometimes when we see a pretty sunset and think "I've GOT to take a picture." It's soul-satisfying to do it. So there ya go - a pretty random sunset replete with traffic signal.

We are blessed with robins in abundance, and it has the healing effect of feeling Wyatt very near. I take pictures of them all the time. Flocks of them. This is probably one of the photos I took last August of my solo buddy who was in the yard all last summer.

This is our Relief Society summer party at the Gibbon's home. They're rich. It's nice to know rich people.

Evidently Forrest was in town in August. I think he's juggling a lime and an avocado which is so appropriate for Forrest, the man who loves to cook, loves fresh ingredients and who in my opinion invented "Taco Tuesday!"

Okay, this is good for a giggle. I'm officially old (and semi-senile just so you know) because I am now a member of DUP. Yes, you could put that in my obituary. No, on second thought, never mind, I doubt I'll ever go to a meeting. I think they have "camps" or something.

Angie was here too for the Saints launch and this must be Cindy's birthday we're celebrating which is September 3rd.

End of summer glory - Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches and fresh peaches, worthy of FOUR photos in a row


And here, in stunning billboard-worthiness taken while I was hosting at the conference center, is the SAINTS launch!! and Angie, MY Angie is one of the writers. It's just such a thrill that she has this opportunity, and since she is a genius, it's just awesome knowing her genius mind is working so hard every day, full time, to help bring the history of the SAINTS to life, Latter-Day SAINTS, ALL ABOUT US YOU GUYS!

We got to attend the launch party at the Church History Museum. Oh my GOSH! It was thrilling to be there and to know Angie has been working so hard on this spectacular endeavor. We got to meet some of the other writers and historians. I developed a HUGE crush on one of the historians, whose name I can't remember, but his talk was just so good.

This is Angie and some of the other people who worked on SAINTS. The lady to her right (not the best picture but she will never know) wrote the screenplay for the film "Jane and Emma" that came out last fall. So many gifted, talented people in one room (with really good hour de ovres too!).

Denny came to the open house too and I remember that this little girl in the picture was a random little girl, we have no idea who she is!

And I'll finish with one of the simple pleasure of life - going to Springville every week for piano, and sometimes Cindy makes us dinner too!! And Dennis reads to Truman.XOXOXO MOM

1 comment:

  1. Saints is the best! I love it! And I don't even like bacon, but your BLT sandwich looks AMAZING!! And the peaches, too.


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