Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pineapple Tidbits

Winter is blowing in over the Wasatch as I type this on a chilly Sunday night. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow. But I'll still hold out for a few more gorgeous days. I want my whole 90 days of fall. And then winter - BRRRRRING IT ON! Let's get it over with. Although I read something about someone from Russia or somewhere freezing who said to embrace winter - the coziness. And I do like the coziness. The smell of the furnace when the heat comes on; the early evening twilight; wrapping up in a warm blanket and watching whatever is on t.v.. I also love the photo above with dribbles of fall decorations along the mantle. They match Tony's painting so well. That painting is of Center Creek in Heber City where the Sweats settled.

Autumn is also time for crisp apples. Angie introduced us to "Honey Crisp" apples. They're so good. Big and crisp and honey-ish. But they're $473/lb. So this one is a Gala at $1.39/lb. Remember back in the good old days when life was simplier and apples didn't have individual bar codes stuck on them? Andrew, please tell Avery Dennison to use lighter glue.I wonder whose job it is to stick them on. Oh, well, probably automatic.

I'm doing a couple of random "catch-up" blogs. ..."Tidbits."    "Pineapple Tidbits." I've always liked that name. It's a fun Sunday activity. It was Reagan's birthday in September and they had a picnic and party at the park up the canyon close to where we go when we have family reunions. It was so pretty up there. Happy 15th birthday to Ray!
 I can still smell the leaves Calvin and Vivi were tossing into the air that night.
Cindy made a pinata. They also played touch football too and I tried to play. My brain and my legs don't match any more.Not that they ever did. It was loads of fun, although Jane plays a mean game of football!
and Lauren plays a mean game of "demolish the leftover pinata!"

 I also took three different trips up the canyons this fall. All of them were soul-satisfying! Brilliant.

 Phones can take some good photos.

Here is a quaking quakies video! UPDATE: Apparently it didn't work. I think my Flashplayer is broken. It was really gorgeous - just picture in your mind's eye the wind rustling beautiful mountains of quakies.
I'd never uploaded a video before. And it takes about a hundred years. Patience is not my best quality. Random memory about patience: When we were first married we moved into a little one-bedroom apartment on 3rd Avenue. Dennis had been living with Ross for the summer prior to our getting married. When we returned from our honeymoon (and Ross has skeedaddled to who knows where), the first thing I saw was a poster hanging on the wall with two vultures sitting in a tree looking down at a I don't know, some kind of carcass. One of them is saying to the other, "Patience My ***! I'm gonna kill something." I didn't get it. I was baffled. Kinda funny looking back. .

Speaking of looking back, and of our first apartment on 3rd Avenue, here are some photos of that little apartment with our adorable Angie! I love her smiles and eyes, and her pretty auburn hair and the one of her standing up in her crib. That was her favorite thing to do after she woke up in the morning - play with the mobile standing in her crib. Don't worry, she was generally in pj's. Oh what sweet memories. The one in the lower corner is Great-Grandma Jolley holding three generations of little girls: Granddaughter Kimberly Jolley; Great-Grand-daughter Angie Sweat; and Great-great Granddaughter Brooke Heaton. Dennis hasn't changed a bit. I think he still wears that shirt.

These last four photos are more of one of our hikes.

We weren't the only ones up the canyon! This is the hairpin turn coming down Big Cottonwood. It was unbelievable.

That's all for tonight. Love to alL!

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