Saturday, March 29, 2014

"Spring Has Sprung....!

"...the grass has ris......I wonder where the flowers is?"

I loved that rhyme when I was a little kid!!

Last week I started humming the Carole King song "I feel the earth...move...under my feet..." and realized it was the springtime planting rhythm that was rumbling around. The weather here is so unpredictable and my garden patch has not had a good track record so I decided to plant some peas indoors right here next to me in my computer room. They have sprung up like little soldiers. Company P! I'm so proud of them!

Happy Spring!


  1. Awww...what cute little peas.

  2. "The peas are as high as an anteaters eye....."
    Happy gardening.
    PS-If you get this it means I've solved my problem.


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