Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wrap-up Two of Three - Macy

Amy is teaching piano to Macy and Jack and they're both naturals.

This is a casual photo of Macy in her natural freckled cuteness....

....followed up by a close-up of those cute freckles....which....

.....matched the skirt I was working on for her!!

Okay, so we were playing Yahtzee one night, and Macy was drinking milk and the milk cup looked a lot like the Yahtzee cup and yup, she ended up accidentally putting the dice into the milk cup!

This is the f-f-f-f-f-freezing day at the outlet mall. They have such a fun candy store. We had a blast buying candy and some for Jack and grandpa too.

It's a "must" to have a tea party!

This is a photo of a lunch plate with blueberries that Macy and I joked looked like it could be a modern art print at a museum!

ze grandma glasses

Macy picked this flower, so we put it in a little crystal vase and it was the centerpiece on the kitchen table all week.

Macy invented "bread cake" and mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, she and Jack and Carly love it. White frosting on bread with sprinkles.

Okay, me and hair. Jane, help! Anyway, I resorted to watching a couple of Youtube tutorials on gymnastics buns because the first attempt was an epic fail. I watched this tutorial at least five times.
Macy doesn't like bobby pins so this was the best effort. Amazingly it stayed in!!

     Macy "resting" during snack break!

This photo captures the gruelingness of what they do. She would work on things with her coach and then the coach would move on and help someone else, and Macy would continue to practice on her own over and over.
Many of the women in all generations of our family share a love of lilacs. These belong to their next door neighbors :-) (Amy's are probably on this week, but on the north side of her house so later bloomers).


We made smores one night and Macy said "What's that word you told us about when you take food apart?" It's "deconstructed" you little budding food network star you!

It's so fun to watch the kids use their ipads for photos. Macy's doesn't take photos using the ususal look through the lens on the back, so she has to center the photo from the front,  using her judgment and it takes lots of concentration. These are the legos Amy gave them for one of the daily surprises and the monkey is another day surprise with the little rubber things we ironed. Amy, they LOVED THEM!
And finally a goofy photo of the all clean girls. Macy is a teen-ager, endless conversationalist, engaging, multi-faceted little adult power packed into a child. I love being with her.
Grandma Sweat

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